The Ministry of Culture is embracing digitalization and accessibility by adding nine new cultural sites to the platform in 2025. This expansion will make it easier for tourists and locals to purchase tickets online, improving access to Peru’s most iconic historical sites and museums.
Integrating these nine cultural sites into the Cultural Centers Visit Management Platform represents a significant step forward in modernizing Peru’s cultural offerings. This initiative is backed by an investment of S/6.7 million, aimed at enhancing the platform, improving service access, and enriching the artistic experience for visitors.
With a system available 24/7, the platform promises faster, safer, and more flexible services, cutting down waiting times at cultural centers. This upgrade benefits not only tourists but also local communities that rely on a steady flow of visitors.
New cultural sites to be added
- Tumbas Reales de Sipán Museum (Lambayeque): Home to the Señor de Sipán, one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the Americas.
- National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of Peru (Pueblo Libre): Peru’s oldest museum, featuring exceptional collections spanning over 14,000 years of history.
- Pachacamac Site Museum (Lima): A key center for understanding the pre-Hispanic history of Peru’s central coast.
- Chavín de Huántar Archaeological Site (Áncash): A UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of the Chavín culture.
- Chan Chan Archaeological Complex (Palacio Nik-An) (La Libertad): The largest adobe city in pre-Columbian America.
- Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna Archaeological Site (La Libertad): Witness to the splendor of the Moche culture.
- Wari Site Museum (Ayacucho): An important interpretive center for Peru’s first imperial civilization.
- Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum of the Belén Monumental Complex (Cajamarca): A historical and architectural gem of northern Peru.
- Ventanillas de Otuzco Archaeological Site (Cajamarca): Known for its mysterious rock-carved tombs.
The Ministry of Culture aims to consolidate virtual access to Peru’s cultural offerings, ensuring that more Peruvians and international visitors can experience the nation’s historical treasures. This modernization not only boosts sustainable tourism but also creates economic opportunities for the regions where these sites are located.
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