The Ministry of Culture is taking important steps to make it easier for people to visit Peru's most famous archaeological sites. In recent weeks, the state platform has successfully managed the sale of tickets to enter Machu Picchu, making it easier for thousands of visitors.
Now, the digital ticket system is expanding to other important places in Peru, aiming to improve access to cultural heritage and boost tourism in different regions. This new step also helps to modernize how we take care of historical sites, promoting responsible and sustainable tourism.
Starting in October, visitors will be able to buy virtual tickets to visit the Kuélap Monumental Archaeological Complex, located in the Amazonas region. The Ministry of Culture announced this in a recent message. Kuélap is a fortress made entirely of stone, built between the 11th and 16th centuries. It is considered the most important material treasure of the Chachapoyas culture and is the main tourist attraction in the region.
The Ministry has promised to continue working on fully restoring Kuélap and wants to make it a great example of how to manage important sites. To do this, they are working closely with local communities, regional and provincial leaders, tourism groups, and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).
By offering digital ticket sales, the Ministry of Culture hopes to not only make it easier to visit Kuélap but also to help the region's economy. This plan creates more jobs and brings more tourists to the district of Tingo, in the Luya province, helping the local people and their businesses.
Source: Cámara Nacional de Turismo de Perú
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