New 2024 Machu Picchu tickets regulation

The new schedules for visiting Machu Picchu have been updated, and they now include a thirty-minute entrance tolerance based on the hour designated on the tickets.

Machu Picchu Inca Sanctuary
Machu Picchu - Wonder of the World

The Peruvian government is continually modifying the conditions of entry to Machu Picchu. This is done to promote sustainable visits and the preservation of the archaeological site. The first regulation was created six years ago. From time to time, the Ministerial Resolution is updated to enhance the sustainable use of the site and monitor the flow of visitors properly.

Control of entrance hours to Machu Picchu

This time, Ministerial Resolution No. 000508-2023-MC, “Regulation for Sustainable Use and Tourist Visits for the Conservation of Machu Picchu Inka City,” toughens the admission hours that were scheduled before and controls the duration of the visit at the site.

According to the new regulations, from now on, all visitors must arrive on time, in agreement with the time of entry for each ticket. Furthermore, they will only have 30 minutes in addition to the appointed hour as a tolerance of entrance. Otherwise, the visitors' admission to the sanctuary will be denied without a refund.

To consider: Exceptions are only made in cases of clearly proved force majeure that the visitors will have to justify in a timely manner. In order to comply with the regulations, tourists who do not have the right to stay will be removed immediately.

Find out more information in our blog: Machu Picchu Tickets 2024: Travel Guide.


Sources: Cultural Ministry of Peru, El Peruano

By Maricé Arbulú / Published December 12, 2023