TreXperience Privacy Policy

TreXperience Privacy Policy

This privacy statement is to assure you of our commitment to protect your personal information and handle it properly since your personal data is vital and confidential to us. For any questions, contact us at

Personal Information:

The personal information we collect when making a booking with TreXperience is the full name, date of birth, gender, address, phone number, nationality, e-mail address, emergency contact information, passport information, and accommodation preferences. This information will help us to book all permits, tickets, and hotels for your travel.

TreXperience needs to book permits for Machu Picchu, train tickets, and hotels when you book a tour. Please be aware that TreXperience requires providing some of your information to the government to book the permits and train companies. When you book a travel service with us, you consent to using and disclosing your personal information by TreXperience to provide the services you are booking.

Other uses of your Personal Information:

TreXperience also processes your IP address when you visit our website or blog. The IP address and session cookies enable us to understand better your needs as a customer and our website’s usage.

TreXperience collects your email address and personal information when you make a booking. This information is required to book your permits and maintain active communication with you about your tour.

Travel Partners:

TreXperience also collects your information from our travel partners when you make a booking through them. Once you make a booking through a travel partner, you must provide the personal information required to book your permits and confirm your booking. Please note that without passport information, we can’t confirm tours like the Inca Trail or Machu Picchu tickets.


When you visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter, TreXperience will send you valuable information about traveling to Peru, places to visit, and special offers, or added options to your booking. You can easily unsubscribe if you do not want to receive any of this information or contact us at

Transfers of data outside of your country:

Please note that if you are from the USA, EU, UK, Canada, or any other country, you are transferring your personal information to Peru. For instance, countries outside of the EEA may not have the same privacy laws; however, we will take reasonable steps to protect your privacy rights.


TreXperience may collect, use, store, and share your personal information in response to:

  • Search warrants or other legally valid inquiries or orders
  • The investigation, prevention, and to combat illegal activities
  • Protect the rights of property and safety of TreXperience and its partners

How do we store your personal information?:

We store all your information on a secure server, and it is only accessible by authorized staff members. TreXperience will never sell your personal information to third parties.

How to modify or delete personal data?:

You have the right to request your personal data's update, change, and deletion. We will remove your personal information on your request and once your obligation with us has been completed.

Photo rights:

TreXperience can use photographs or videos of the trips we organize for promotional or commercial use without payment or any compensation and/or commission to travelers. We will remove any photos or videos from all our sites at your request.


TreXperience uses cookies to improve user experience on our website. If you decide not to accept cookies from our website, you may be unable to take advantage of all its features.

Modification of Privacy Policy:

TreXperience updates the privacy policy from time to time. Any major changes in our policy will be communicated via email. For any questions, please contact us at


Privacy Policy:

TreXperience should have in place a detailed privacy policy to safeguard its customers' personal data and comply with local laws and international standards for data privacy. This document would outline how they collect, use and protect customer data - complying with both local regulations as well as international standards on this matter - with clear information regarding rights and choices provided to each customer in regards to privacy rights and choices.