Ethics & Commitments

Business Ethics and Commitments:

TreXperience likely adheres to an ethical code of conduct that ensures honesty, transparency, and respect among its operations for all stakeholders involved in its business operations. This may involve providing fair wages and working conditions to employees as well as honest communication with customers while adhering to local laws and regulations.



TreXperience is committed to protecting the environment and has implemented several environmental initiatives and projects. We have installed solar panels on our factory roof to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and generate clean, renewable energy. We have also introduced a recycling program for our office waste and are working on ways to reduce our water consumption. In addition, we are actively involved in several environmental projects. These include planting trees to offset our carbon footprint, cleaning up local rivers and lakes, and supporting conservation efforts in endangered ecosystems. We believe that it is important to do our part to protect the environment, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve our environmental performance.


As a company that cares deeply about the communities we visit, TreXperience takes pride in supporting our brothers and sisters throughout the Andean communities, a region that holds a special place in our hearts. We make a special effort to ensure our tours are conducted in a way that supports residents and communities, provides donations to local schools, and involve local brothers in our industry. Above all, we are dedicated to creating something unique and permanent, which allows us to play an active role in our communities' development.

We have opened a library in the community of Cachiccata in Ollantaytambo. This village has approximately 80 families, all of which work in agriculture. Until recently, the local school children had no access to a library, a computer, or the internet. In partnership with other companies and with help from sponsors and charitable donations, TreXperience continuously supports this library, where children can access all the information they need to get a better future. Although this a small project, it will have a huge impact on the children of Cachiccata school, who will now have access to the resources they need for quality education and a bright future.

You can always help this cause by booking a tour with TreXperience, visiting the community to donate directly, or even volunteering during your free time.



TreXperience Porters welfare.

Collectively our team has a wealth of experience working in the tourism industry. Therefore, we understand that to ensure 100% guest satisfaction, it is essential to take good care of your staff, who will, in turn, take good care of your customers. We will provide the best tour guides and chefs during your hike, but the porters are often forgotten.

Porters are the backbone of this business, and for so many years, we have been fighting for better treatment and working conditions. This is a personal battle since I ÔÇô the founder of TreXperience ÔÇô started as a porter, and my father was a porter before me. Working as a porter on the Inca Trail helped me study, travel around the world, and start my own company.

Therefore, TreXperience pledges several commitments to our porters:

  • We provide a homestay in Cusco for porters traveling far away, leaving their families behind to earn extra income.
  • We provide all meals; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is the least we can do given their tireless work and contribution to our company.
  • Provide all porters with proper, high-quality equipment, including warm jackets, t-shirts, hiking boots, pants, back support, comfortable backpacks, sleeping bags, sleeping pads. We also provide insurance to cover accidents.
  • We always make an effort to work with the poorest communities in which individuals have the greatest need for a job or extra income. These include Lares, Ocongate, and Paucartambo. These are farming communities, and the opportunity to work as a porter allows families to offer a better future for their children by putting them through education.
  • We employ close to 250 permanent porters, and during high season, this number will increase.



TreXperience porters are the happiest people you will see on the Inca Trail. They have proper and decent uniforms that accompany their culture and tradition, health insurance, good food, group tents, and organize social projects in their villages to help them develop by supporting childrenÔÇÖs education.

  • We provide a homestay in Cusco and Ollantaytambo for all our porters that travel from their hometowns to work with us on the Inca Trail and other treks.
  • We provide good food for our porters on the Inca Trail, breakfast, lunch, dinner, water canteens, and coca leaves.
  • We provide all porters warm jackets, t-shirts, hiking boots, pants, back support, comfortable backpacks, sleeping bags, and sleeping pads.
  • TreXperience is proud to be one of the companies that pay the best wages to all our staff. For this reason, you will have a top-notch team working for you.

Commitment to Excellence

TreXperience Values

  • To provide you with unforgettable vacations in Peru, we always:
  • We treat all guests and staff as a family, welcoming them to the TreXperience family.
  • We always share a smile, call by name, engage with our guests and the local communities.
  • Our guests' and staff's safety and security is the number one priority.
  • We involve highly trained local staff (guides, cooks, porters, drivers)
  • We aim to create unforgettable experiences combining nature, culture, trekking, food, and lots of fun in all our tours.

TreXperience Goals

  • Our main goal is to provide unforgettable journeys to all our guests, and this will bring challenges, and we must find ways to keep improving our company.
  • TreXperience will always:
  • Offer Unique trekking experiences to Machu Picchu.
  • Sustainable travel to reduce the negative impacting nature and village
  • Provide the best equipment, food, and local experience
  • Include in our team the best tour guides, chefs, porters
  • Be pioneers always in providing better workplace conditions to Porters.
  • Support the local communities by including them in a sustainable business
  • Recycle, and collect trash on the trails to keep the house clean
  • Reduce to a minimum the risk of accidents on the tours.

No Hidden Fees

When booking  a tour, you must consider a few things:

  • Will the company charge me a booking fee every time I pay using my credit card? 

    Most of them do charge around 5.5%. If you don't want to pay the fee, you must pay in cash, which could be stressful, especially in Cusco, where withdrawing money is expensive from ATMs and only allows you 200$ at a time. TreXperience does not charge any fee, and you can pay more conveniently for yourself, in cash or credit card.

  • Is all transportation needed included in the tour price? 

    This is important, especially with the emergency horse during alternative treks, buses, and Machu Picchu. Include all transportation from beginning to end.

  • Is a personal porter included in my Inca Trail Tour? 

    Some tour operators do not offer Porters. In fact, they offer the choice to add at the time of booking or when you arrive in Cusco. When Inca Trail is sold out, it is sold out, so do not fall for that. Book a company that provides personal proter.

  • Is there any single supplement to pay? 

    At TreXperience, we do not charge extra when camping. However, if you request a private room in a hotel, we will charge 35.USD per night, you can avoid this charge by pairing up with a fellow solo traveler. (Charge only applicable in tours that include hotels)