Cusco se alista para un junio lleno de eventos y celebraciones que atraerán a miles de visitantes internacionales.
Main festivities
One of the most anticipated events is the Inti Raymi Festival, honoring the Sun God, which has become a significant tourist attraction. Additionally, over 150 activities organized by the Provincial Municipality of Cusco and Emufec will take place, including the Pachamama Offering, the Q’eswachaka Inca Bridge Renewal, the Civic Parade, and the Kacharpari closing ceremony.
Authorities expect 150,000 tourists, driven by the APEC event and the visit of Tourism Ministers from 21 economies. Current hotel occupancy is between 60% and 80%, reflecting growing interest in these festivities.
Why June is the jubilee month in Cusco, Peru?
June is known as the jubilee month due to numerous activities linked to Andean cosmology and Inca roots. The festivities offer unique visual spectacles and insights into the Andean worldview, highlighting the importance of Pachamama and celestial bodies in solemn ceremonies.
Festivals in Cusco during June 2024
June: Start of the Jubilee Festivities of Cusco 2024
Saturday 01: Pachamama Offering
Sunday 02: Great Race "Qosqo 10K Hatun Phaway 2024"
Thursday 06:
- Start of the annual ritual of the Inca Bridge Renewal of Qeswachaka
- Octave of the Corpus Christi Cusqueño Festivity
- Law School Tuna Presentation
Saturday 08:
- Light Salute Parade to Cusco
- Female Tuna Presentation
Monday 10:
- Parade of typical Cusco dances by kindergarten educational institutions
- Parade in honor of the Virgin of Carmen
Tuesday 11: Parade of typical Cusco dances by primary educational institutions
Wednesday 12: Parade of typical Cusco dances by secondary educational institutions
Thursday 13: Parade of typical dances by higher education institutes
Friday 14:
- Parade of the Technological University of the Andes - UTEA Cusco
- Cusco City Rally Haquira-Ccorca Route
- Gala concert by the Cusco Symphony Orchestra
Saturday 15: Canine Parade
Sunday 16: Allegory Parade 2024 - Diego Quispe Tito National Art University
Monday 17: Parade of Andean University
Tuesday 18: Parade of the National University of San Antonio Abad of Cusco
Wednesday 19: Parade of comparsas and allegories of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega School
Thursday 20:
- Mega light and sound event
- Gala concert by the 5th Mountain Brigade Band
Friday 21:
- Parade of Continental University
- Gala concert by the National Police of Peru Band
Saturday 22: Parade of the 13 provinces - Salute to Cusco
Sunday 23: Start of the grand civic parade
Monday 24: Inti Raymi Ceremony, the Festival of the Sun
Sunday 30: Launch of the festivities of the Virgin of Carmen of Huarocondo.
Important Note | These festivities are held at various critical locations in Cusco's historic center, including Plaza de Armas, the Municipality of Cusco, and the Temple of Qoricancha.
Cusco is set for a June full of tradition, culture, and economic growth, cementing its status as a top-tier tourist destination.