Perú se posiciona como líder mundial para observación de aves


Los esfuerzos de organizaciones peruanas lograron consolidar a este país como líder mundial en diversidad de aves y turismo de observación de aves

Condors flying above the Colca Canyon | TreXperience
Condors flying above the Colca Canyon

The Natural Service of Protected Areas, the Peruvian Tourism and Foreign Trade Minister, and the Peruvian Ornithologist Union presented "New Birds of Peru." This is a scientific compilation of 14 new bird species found in the country. This year starts with the most important birdwatching news in Peru, placing the nation as one of the most important destinations for birdwatching in the world.

The identification and study of these species of birds was made possible thanks to dedicated birdwatchers and professionals who contributed to the publication. The representatives that presented this recognition also enhanced the support of tourism and scientific organizations. Moreover, the resulting publication currently ranks Peru as the top birdwatching destination, totaling 1879 bird species. Follow this link to learn more about this recognition.

Importance of birdwatching in Peru

In recent years, Peru has consistently ranked in birding competitions. In 2023, during the October Big Day, the second most important global event of bird observation, Peru identified the largest number of these species and, as a result, won the competition.

Furthermore, Peruvian authorities emphasized the need to encourage more research and conservation of these species. Birdwatching promotes tourism opportunities and more environmentally responsible travel practices.

Scarlet Macaw in the Peruvian Amazon | TreXperience
Scarlet Macaw flying in the Peruvian rainforest

This recognition will likely attract the scientific community and tourists to Peru's most important tourist destinations for nature travel, such as Cusco, Loreto, and Madre de Dios. Finally,  the most popular birdwatching locations are the Manu National Park, Tambopata Reserve, Ballestas Islands, and Colca Canyon.

Sources: Peruvian Tourism and Foreign Trade Minister, Natural Service of Protected Areas - Sernanp

By Maricé Arbulú / Published January 4, 2024