Perú exige Visa y Pasaporte a venezolanos desde el 2 de julio


A partir del 2 de julio de 2024, será obligatorio presentar un pasaporte venezolano vigente y una visa para ingresar a Perú.

Venezuelans Visa and Passport | TreXperience

The National Superintendence of Migration of Peru has announced new entry requirements for Venezuelan citizens. From July 2, 2024, it will be mandatory to present a valid Venezuelan passport and a visa issued by a Peruvian consular office to enter the country. This measure applies to both temporary visitors and residents and was detailed in Resolution N° 000121-2024-MIGRATIONS, published today in the Official Gazette, El Peruano.

This new regulation also includes a provision that allows, for one time only, a change of migratory status for Venezuelans with expired passports who have entered Peru before the deadline, provided they meet the other established migratory criteria.

For migrants intending to reside, both regular and humanitarian visas will be accepted, provided a Peruvian Consular Office issues them.

In summary, the requirements for entering Peru from July 2, 2024, will be as follows:

Temporary Migratory Status requires:

  • A valid Venezuelan ordinary passport
  • A corresponding visa, issued by a Peruvian Consular Office.

Resident Migratory Status requires:

  • A valid Venezuelan ordinary passport
  • A corresponding visa, issued by a Peruvian Consular Office.

Resident Migratory Status, in its Humanitarian version, requires:

  • A valid Venezuelan ordinary passport
  • A valid Humanitarian Visa, issued by a Peruvian Consular Office.

Furthermore, the Technical Management and Migration Supervision, along with the Registry and Migration Control, are authorized to issue additional regulations necessary for implementing these changes.